Lowongan kerja Bank CIMB Niaga Sumatera Barat

06 May 2011

Lowongan kerja Bank CIMB Niaga Sumatera Barat : CIMB Niaga is the fifth largest bank in Indonesia by assets, deposits, lending, and branch distribution network. Within this section, you will be able to find the most recent financial and other relevant information on CIMB Niaga.

PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (CIMB Niaga) is a listed private financial company and its shares are traded on main board. As of December 2010 the market capitalization of CIMB Niaga was about IDR48 trillion.

Since 2007, Khazanah as the ultimate shareholder of Bank Niaga (via CIMB Group) and of LippoBank, had envisaged the merger as a means to secure the majority shareholders’ obligations toward Bank Indonesia’s Single Presence Policy. The union is the first merger to specifically fulfill these conditions. In May 2008, Bank Niaga changed its name to become Bank CIMB Niaga. Bank CIMB Niaga’s and LippoBank’s Merger Plan Agreement was signed in June 2008. This was subsequently followed by Merger Plan Approval from Bank Indonesia and the issuance of a Merger Notification’s Acceptance Letter from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in October 2008. LippoBank officially merged into Bank CIMB Niaga on November 1, 2008 (Legal day 1 or LD1) and launched the Bank’s new logo in recognition.

The merger of LippoBank into Bank CIMB Niaga represents the single greatest leap forward to occur in Southeast Asia’s banking sector in recent times. Bank CIMB Niaga now offers its customer the most comprehensive portfolio of universal banking services available in Indonesia, combining its strengths in retail, SME and corporate banking as well as payment services. The merger makes Bank CIMB Niaga the 5th largest bank in terms of assets, deposits, lending and branch distribution network. Through its commitment to Integrity, perseverance to always place Customers first and passion for Excellence, Bank CIMB Niaga will continue to leverage its strengths to fully realize all of the synergies which the merger has to offer. These are the core values of Bank CIMB Niaga and are its obligations for the dynamic and promising road ahead.

As stated in corporate philosophy, CIMB Niaga has a strong commitment to continuously develop employee's potential and competency as optimal as it could, through variety of training, learning and development program. Each program that is designed, developed and delivered to employees is a media which is used by CIMB Niaga to improve employee's quality so they can play significant role in a competitive banking industry.

Now Bank CIMB Niaga Padang - Sumbar is opening position in 2011, for detail qualifications please download the document below

The candidates who meet the qualification are welcome to apply and sent your document before May 25, 2011 to
HR Mikro Laju Sumbagut
PT. Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk.
Jl. S Parman No 170 C Ulak Karang
Padang 25135 SK
Email : anwarsyah@cimbniaga.co.id

Lowongan Kerja Greenpeace 2011

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